do you wanna be my special friend?
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harold edward styles
holmes chapel | UK

b i o g r a p h y ♫;
occhi color cielo, bellissimi capelli ricci, ha 18 anni e un sorriso travolgente. è un componente della band 'One Direction' di origine inglese.
[ more ] ♥

« I feel incredibly lucky to have the life I do..I met some amazing people today. And had a lot of fun. Thank you so much. »

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born 14.01.12"harrystyles source."

wanna be like harry and louis?
see here

☇ april best pictures

Questo forum è la storia, ciò che ero anni fa.


Per questo continua ad essere qui. Non per un motivo preciso, ma per ricordarmi di me.

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ForumTopicsRepliesLast Post Info

hey babe, what's your name?✩

best fans! hello sweethearts.
135029/5/2013, 16:50
In: ciau :3
By: lilicrow

louis + harry ='bromance'
466626/10/2012, 17:28
In: ~rechange spam
By: . s t y l e s

isn't he l o v e l y ? ♡

peace, love and harrystyles
631511/6/2012, 08:56
In: Una Ragazza afferma di essere stata Sedotta da Harry Styles!
By: harold.

"I hate the word famous. It gives you no substance. It’s not like, oh that guy was really nice, or that guy was funny. It’s, oh he was famous. And I just think that… it’s just weird. I hate it." - Harry Styles
In: ----
By: ----
C_OFF4196810/5/2012, 13:34
In: a londra
By: loganlerman

this is my job and I love my job ♫

1 Band, 1 Dream, 1 DIRECTION ₪
601311/6/2012, 08:59
In: Harry Styles trying to help a fan from the crowd.
By: harold.

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